A living room from an architectural and interior design project done by New England Architect Terry Cline

What are DwellRight’s
Design Principles?

Your spaces are having a profound impact on you whether you are conscious of it or not. Learn more about SpaceBehavior and DwellRight’s mission to utilize this principle to create positive change in your personal living and working environments and your life, a common sense approach.
Change Your Space to Change Your Life

Interior Design Consultations

Unlock the hidden potentials
in your personal home and office environments,
primarily using what you already have. 

Treating yourself to a SpaceBehavior Consultation 
and implemented ontological design principles,
will benefit you and create positive change
in your life through your environment.

Residential Architecture

I am a 3 decade licensed Architect offering SpaceBehavior Custom Residential Design projects, including renovations, additions, and new homes.

Public Speaking

Free & Paid
Introductory Talks with
Profound Take-aways

Day and Weekend Experiences
with Life Changing Results

Guest Speaker
Entertaining Presentations with
design ideas worth sharing.