A pencil illustration for an architectural project showing the scale of a home and the placement of trees around it

SpaceBehavior Residential Design

“We are actively being designed by that which we design.” Jason Silva

Beautiful New England yellow farmhouse with giant screened in porch design by Architect Terry Cline

An Ontological Approach to
Custom Residential Design

My prime responsibility is to fundamentally and holistically advocate for spaces that promote physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and global well-being using unique, space behavior, residential design techniques. Whether you are renovating, building an addition, or creating a brand new home, your space should not only be a solid architectural structure, but it should support, enrich, and encourage your desired habits and life experiences.

My portfolio of projects represented below are each in their own way, instrumental in the development of my career and the continuing value added interest in the profound ontological connection between space and behavior, exploring the built environment as a Health Resource for all, and architects as Health Care Providers! There is a difference between a building and a sacred work-of-architecture!

If you are looking for a home that truly nourishes you and your family, I invite you to join the list of happy clients! Read client testimonials.

Free Discovery Call + Complementary
On-Site First Meeting

The residential design process begins with a Free Discovery Call. After we determine that SpaceBehavior Residential Design is the right avenue for you and your goals, we will have a free Initial On-Site Meeting where we will meet in person, take a tour of your place, discuss your project in depth, review the normal design process and how I might best serve your needs.

Design Projects

What Design Clients
Are Saying

Yesterday, after our talk, I was sharing with Lucia…how awesomely and widely talented you are, how happy I am with all that you have done and continue to do, and how I could not imagine building a home without you. The move from DD to CD has allowed me to see things/details/aspects of your work I did not fully grasp and I’m just über impressed. THANK you from both of us for your devotion to this project; for your gifts and formidable skills…we all get to actually experience the joy of an actual manifest DwellRight HOME on Upper Mongaup mountain. What a journey it has been and continues to be watching this major evolution move forward.’
Lloyd Williams, Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, Glen Spey, NY

"I so appreciate our collaboration on this island project. It’s such a great design and we love the scale of the place … wouldn’t change a thing.”
Gregg Lipton, Lipton Furniture, Chebeague Island, ME

"Terry has the best approach to creating a space that you can really live in that I have ever seen. He has worked on both residential space and commercial layout for me. He is beyond creative and really listens to what you are looking for. When we were going down the wrong path he gently guided us in another direction and got terrific results for us every time. He always found solutions for us that we couldn’t have possibly thought us ourselves.”
Drs. Deb Ekstrom & Jeff Metzmaker, Rutland, MA

"We are happily living in our spectacular designed home. I am loving it! All of us are, actually. I feel so thankful that we have this sublime setting and fantastic design. Both Rob and I notice the Zen views from all of the windows in the house! Its not an "in your face" lake front home. The views are particularly lovely of the trees. Not that the view of the lake isn't anything less than amazing. This is an incredible place to live, and Terry has designed for us a gorgeous home. Most of the lake residents we speak with think its the nicest one on the lake.”
Holly & Rob Guerin, Charlton, MA

“Terry is both creative and brilliant at his craft. He is open hearted and open minded when working with professionals on projects.
Susan Leger Ferraro, Humanitarian social entrepreneur and sought-after business innovator, Marblehead, MA

"Your work has had a profound positive impact on our lives.  We use the space every single day.  It’s a great connection to the outdoors, it’s beautiful and bright - even on a rainy day like today, and it really makes the house feel complete.  I’ve had several social gatherings over the past couple of months and I notice the room makes the kitchen function better as well when there are more than just a couple of people.  Same goes for the mudroom/office area.  I had a buffet made - it works as a beautiful drink / serving station - out of the way, but close enough so people help themselves.    WE LOVE IT!”
Jean Parisi & Andrew Sterchak, Southwick, MA

"We hired Terry when we were embarking on a major (and I mean major) renovation of a modest, somewhat homely cape on a lovely piece of land. Unlike starting from scratch, where constraints are fewer, we had to work with what we had, additions needed to meet up with the existing structure, rooflines needed to compliment each other. Terry was most critical for working through these issues and the overall design.

My husband, Christopher,  had been involved building at least 10 houses at this point so had his own set of expertise. As we moved to designing the interior, Terry’s role shifted to one of SpaceBehavior consultant, reviewing and collaborating on design ideas of ours, and providing working drawings.

Now, 20 years and one pretty enjoyable lockdown later, the house is great. It works well, it’s cozy, people often comment on the warm feel of the place.”

Carrie & Christopher Crane, Artists, Boylston, MA

You are a very bright, talented person and amazingly in tune with emotions, people's needs and how these factors play out harmoniously in connection to the environment. What a great career! I wish a lot of people knew about your work. (We will tell them!) It is great to spread the good news and I hope that you get many referrals."

Regarding the living room, it turned amazingly beautiful. I want to be there most of the time, to sit and enjoy. We had a guest the next day, after you were here, and he commented how nice the house looked.” Lucia Maneri, Clinical Social Worker, Barre, MA

"Terry, who has been our architect on a long-term home renovation, did a mid-project 'SpaceTherapy' consultation, so that we could live more comfortably and sanely during the renovation. The result of this two-hour consult has been many hours of enjoyable use out of space we had been avoiding. I was amazed!  Even more so because it was done entirely with materials we already owned that we just hadn't seen the possibilities for their use."  
M. A., Director Development Research at Harvard GSE

"We shape our buildings and 
thereafter they shape us."

- Sir Winston Churchill -