SpaceBehavior Consultations

Different than Traditional Design Services:
Unlock your space’s hidden potential primarily using what you already have!

A beautiful light filled bedroom from a residential design project by Terry Cline
A beautiful kitchen with lots of cabinets and round island designed during a residential design project

Who is a SpaceBehavior Consultation for?

Do you:

believe that your environment has an affect on you?

do you want your space to support your desired feelings, emotions, social interactions, behaviors and thus your performance?

have a space that isn’t being used and you don’t know why?

have a room that you don’t like and you wonder why?

often have the urge to “move the furniture around” in your environment but don’t necessarily know why, or what “effect” you are seeking?

want to change a social or personal behavior that you find exists in the environment you now inhabit?

If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions,
SpaceBehavior consultation(s) may be just what you’re looking for.

Wouldn’t it be great to walk into the place where you spend the largest chunk of your day, and feel so good about it that you don’t even want to leave when it’s time to step away? To feel nurtured and stimulated, relaxed and empowered, productive and energized—all at once? This isn’t some pie-in-the-sky fantasy! It’s not only achievable, but often, surprisingly easy (and, because you’ll typically be re-purposing things you already have on hand, also surprisingly affordable). You’ll feel so much better when your space actually reflects your wants, needs, and goals—instead of getting in their way.

Please note: If you have a larger residential design project in mind
(ie. renovation, addition, new home),
Read More About My Residential Design Services.

What to expect during your consultation:

The primary purpose of a SpaceBehavior Consultation is for sharing unique design strategies to awaken owners to a profound connection that exists between space and behavior, and how easy it is to craft spaces that relax, comfort, heal, and inspire.

During your consultation I will assess your space and offer no-to-low cost, on-the-spot revisions that will encourage new and more positive behavior patterns. When implemented, the results are often astounding and immediate!

If you want to take my suggestions and implement them yourself, a single consultation might be all you want and need.

If you have larger projects (ie. many rooms) and/or want me to work directly with you to re-arrange your space(s), this might require more than one consultation. We will discuss the best options for your project during your free discovery call.

On-Site vs. Online Consultations

On-Site Consultations are conducted in person at your home or office space.
Beyond just taking notes, an on-site consultation provides the opportunity to do on the spot re-arranging.

Online Consultations, far and wide, are discounted 25% off of On-Site consultations.
Requiring: Zoom Interviews & Tour, Photos/Videos, Room and Furniture Measurements, Design Objectives.

Free Discovery Call

If you are interested in scheduling a SpaceBehavior Consultation and want to learn more, you can schedule a free discovery call.

Curious to know how to get a free consultation for your entire home? Find out more about my home or small business consultation workshops.


  • Space Behavior Consulting is like an personal environment “therapy” service. The service was created to help you become more aware of the subtle ways in which your workplaces and homes are affecting your feelings, emotions, social interactions, behaviors, and thus your performance.

    The service represents an actual analysis of your workplace or home, and how it’s physical, social, and psychological expression may influence you and how you behave. Each space is evaluated for its positive or negative effect on you, the activity of the space, and your interpersonal relationships within the space.

  • SpaceBehavior Consulting is of great interest to business people wondering how the design of their salesrooms affects customer response, or a homeowner wondering why one space in the home is never used, or why one space always feels so uncomfortable. People living or working together would want to know if their personal environment is undermining their relationships or helping it to flourish. Mental Health Professionals might be interested in the ways that their clients' personal environments affect their mood and emotions. A space can depress or elate.

  • The service is effective in that positive design changes in the environment will produce a change in YOU and your experience with others. As you use the changed space over time, you slowly re-adapt to its new influence. The change will create a new pattern, a new behavior, and perhaps more enjoyment of activity! Even a small change in the space you use will cause an immediate change in your response that begins to introduce new behaviors and feelings.

  • A SpaceBehavior Consultation will increase your awareness of the relationship between your personal environment and your behavior. We usually suggest simple design changes that can be done right away, involving no additional remodeling expenses. We might suggest moving a light or changing its intensity, not buying a new one.

    We consider the space AS IT IS. During the analysis, the Space Behavior Consultant will confidentially discuss with you the ways that your personal environment may be affecting you or your business, either positively or negatively, and what you can do about it, right then and there.

    If you are aware of a problem “area” that you want to be used in a different way, or even a social problem area with business or family members, we will demonstrate how the physical environment could be altered to bring about the desired change.

  • The most exciting part of a Space Behavior Consultation experience is that you are a direct participant in the awareness and possible change of your behaviors.

    During the analysis you may begin to realize that the rooms you live in and work in affect you and also serve as a “mirror” of your feelings. In the same way that we dress to fit our mood and personality, the appearance and use of a space can be seen as a “reflection” of ourselves.

    You might consider the rooms you inhabit as your next layer of clothing. The way(s) we modify our personal environments to suit our personal taste and needs often yield some valuable insights into the ways we may feel about ourselves and relationships with others.

    A space you live in or work in, modified by your own special use of the space, gives it a unique character and appearance. It expresses a language similar to “body language” that can be perceived and “read". Part of our service is to share with you what the space is “saying” about you or your business through its appearance and what it may mean.

  • A space that doesn’t support an activity or the desired personal and social interaction may cause STRESS!

    Our relationship to our personal environment will have an influence on how we participate and enjoy the activities for which the spaces were designed. If the space cannot SUPPORT and PROMOTE its activity and bring out its “highest and best use,” YOU, the user of the space, are in some way being deprived of positive potential experience!

    Personal environments have remained unchallenged as a cause of stress because the effect is subtle and takes a long time in building up. Right now, your personal environment may be slowly undermining your relationship with another, preventing an important intimacy from occurring, make someone look different, put the damper on an indoor family social event, or change a person’s voice from soft to hard. Things may occur, and you will never know why.

Consultation Projects

What Consultation Clients Are Saying


When I heard about what Terry does (Space Therapy) I was immediately intrigued because of my academic background. I already had a sense that space/environment had an impact on behavior and well-being. Still, I had doubts about the potential level of impact. 

Terry came to our house for a 4 hour consult, and as a result we changed one room that we all loved the "idea" of, yet didn't seem to be using. It was the sunniest, most cozy room in the house, yet it was sitting unused. Because of its small size we didn't think there was any other way to set it up other than what we had. Terry made some suggestions for re-arrangement based on our stated desire for the room to be a family room. We made the changes immediately, and now everyone in the family is drawn to this room consistently. 

We were absolutely blown away by the results, and whatever doubts I had about the level of impact were immediately dispelled. What Terry does is beyond traditional design, and has none of the "fluffy" science of Feng Shui. He pointed out seating and lighting problems that were creating a space that no one but one member of the family wanted to use (it was a problem of power dynamics). He easily solved the problem with re-arrangement of furniture we already had and practically like magic the feel and draw of the room radically changed for the better and met our collective desires. No designer could have done that (in my opinion. 

Terry is not only passionate about what he does; he is deeply knowledgeable and compassionate to your needs. The changes are tangible and noticeable right away! I guarantee you, you need Terry's services in your life.” 
Jennifer Williams, Business Coach, Corrales, NM

"Terry Cline of DwellRight is a genius at creating an arrangement that fits how you want to feel in the space, and how you want people to interact. It’s more astounding than I can describe in words. This will sound crazy but I’ve sent several people to him and we’re all still talking about the impact. It’s mind-blowing. One person said the new home arrangement is changing the dynamics in her relationships at home. Isn’t that wild?”
Val Nelson Career & Business Coach, Florence, MA

"I have been working with Terry for the past several years. I can't tell you how much better my home (every room) and office are with Terry's expertise, enthusiasm, energy and commitment to excellence.

  • Rooms that I never used are now loved.

  • Spaces that didn't feel right, look right, are now lovely.

  • My home did not reflect me and the behaviors I wanted to foster/ encourage/ embrace; now it does.

This man is highly intelligent, highly evolved and highly trained. I love posing a problem to him and watching his brain work on so many levels at the same time, taking it all in and then producing a solution. He is a master at his craft."
Becky Castro - Business & Leadership Coach, Northampton, MA

"This was quite an "eye-opening" experience for all of us, and served to significantly raise our awareness of the impact of the physical environment on us. I strongly and without hesitation recommend DwellRight Collaborative to anyone and any group or organization that would like to increase their creative involvement with the spaces they inhabit."
J. F., Executive Director Windhorse Assoc., Northampton, MA

"With SpaceTherapy I rediscovered a room that I never enjoyed.  By modifying the space, it is now my main work center."
L. B., Learning Styles Consultant

"Just a note to say special thanks for joining us in the College of Nursing to celebrate our multicultural seminar room… which you and Roger played such an important role in it’s creation. This is the first time I’ve had the pleasure of seeing and experiencing your talent and creativity in real life.

One incident particularly stands out to depict the effect of the room on ‘people’. I was teaching a group of students about group psychotherapy. We started in one of our traditional ‘class/seminar’ rooms and they sat, pencils poised over paper…. Fate prevailed and we were able to move to our ‘multicultural seminar room’. The change was almost immediate. This room, with it’s burlap walls, soft lighting, comfortable seating (including tables for those more comfortable with ‘something to write on or to protect them’ fostered a climate where students not only shared their work and clinical experiences- they also shared themselves more openly as people. I was struck with how much easier it was to create such a sharing climate in a room that fostered and precipitated kits evolution.

Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and your special talent.
Dr . Julia Tiffany, Assoc. Professor and Project Director, University of Southern Maine

‘Terry’s delight is to offer ‘space behavior consulting’ to those whose homes, or the spaces in them, feel unwelcoming and are actually underused. By combining architectural principles, artistic sensibilities, a sense of what creates good energy, and occupant’s style, desires, and needs,  he helps people organize their home spaces for maximum delight and personal thriving, by using primarily what they like and currently have as furniture and art.”
Martha Johnson, Journey Author, Holyoke, MA

"Terry is a passionate advocate for his craft and a gifted teacher. He is able to make design concepts accessible to even a complete novice like me. He smoothly transitioned from vision/possibility to tangible examples that illustrated his points and instantly revealed the impact of even small changes. I appreciate the spaces we dwell in and see new possibilities because of Terry's influence."
Dan Kirsch, Fundraising Consultant, Amherst, MA

"Terry, I have meant to write you with my great appreciation for your design expertise. The effects have been surprisingly amazing! The next morning I awoke with enthusiasm for life and did yoga in the sunshine on the deck.

You are a consummate professional and, among architects, have a unique ability to translate the client’s own design aspirations into material form, while still implanting your own special design hallmarks on the project.”
Mariah Williams, M.A. Liberty Healing Arts, Liberty, ME

"Terry is practical, brilliant, efficient and incredibly creative. He transformed my home office from a place that I couldn't stand being in to one that is harmonious and promotes productivity."
Susan Bellows, Business Coach, Hampden, MA

"Terry has great insight into how people function in interior spaces and really helped me re-design the lay-out of my office."

Louise Spear, Faculty Chair at Hartsbrook School, Hadley, MA

"As between the soul and the body there is a bond,
so are the body and its environment linked together." 

- Kahil Gibran -