※ SpaceBehavior ※
Public Speaking & Workshops

Offering talks and workshops in New England and beyond!

As a SpaceBehavior consultant and licensed architect, Terry engagingly integrates principles from architectural and interior design, behavioral psychology, ontological design, psycho-neuroimmunology (PNI), the ancient art and science of placement, and advanced common sense.

Terry offers presentations nationwide, has been interviewed by Dwell and Natural Home Magazines, Maine Public Broadcasting Network, Portland’s WMPG Radio, The Green Talk Radio Network, Portland Press Herald, Custom Builder Magazine, Portland’s Casco Bay Weekly, and The Journal Tribune.

In addition to having participated with professor emeritus Roger Richmond’s development of an interactive television program on the profound influence of environments on behavior, Terry was previously honored as a possible candidate to lead a transformational ‘House Whisperer’ series for a major cable TV network.

As a SpaceBehavior licensed architect, consultant, spiritual cheerleader and change agent with a quarter century of experience in the art and science of creating personal living and working environments that truly support desired functions, behaviors, productivity and sense of well being, Terry offers the following:

Don’t miss an event! Join my mailing list to get invited to upcoming public talks and workshops.

Schedule a free discovery call to discuss having me give a talk or workshop.

Free & Paid
Introductory Talks

The Space Effect
How & Why We Become The Spaces We InHABIT!
Experience immediate, often profound, practical, no-to-low cost take-away ontological design principles to improve your physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being at home and/or at the office.

Half & Day Long Experiential Workshops

Manipulating Spaces
What We Do To Them and What They Do To Us

An experiential workshop guaranteed to leave you with immediate, practical, no-to-low cost take-away techniques to use at home, office, classroom, or any room for the enrichment of your physical, psychological, social, spiritual, & global well-being.

Living room re-designed for optimal support and well being

Free Consultation- in exchange for- Your Hosting a ‘Group Consultation/Workshop’

“You will not be disappointed with your home consult with Terry. He has been such a hit here among participants and has helped me understand placement principles that continue to contribute to more harmonious and enjoyable living. Some folks who attended a four-hour demo here actually stayed an extra two hours because they were so engaged. Some also invited him to consult on their homes as well. I’m hoping to have him return again after the beginning of the year.”  Mariah Williams, Home Owner & Massage, Feldenkrais Therapist

Guest Speaker

Family Bonding by Design
Enhance The Triple Bottom Line Through Simple
Profound, No To Low Cost Workplace Modifications
Journey To Home – The Art of Creating
Supportive Home and Office Environments
Real Estate of a Higher Order
Dwell in The Sacred
Nest Building and High Performance by Design
The Space, Scale, and Light /Behavior Connection
Space as a Gateway to the Sacred
Beyond Feng Shui and Extreme Makeovers
Returning Kilter to Our Lives and
What it Means to be ‘Out-of-Kilter!

What Attendees Are Saying

"Your approach continually facilitated trust, self-esteem, gentle confrontation, and integrity. A climate was created which facilitated much insight and practical application. More powerful in a subtle way than I could have imagined."
Leslie Kaynor,  Graphic artist & Home owner

"Thanks very much, Terry, for the wonderful event.  It was quite experiential and felt very much like collaboration and dialogue rather than simply a presentation. 

You really put your heart and soul into the event.  We enjoyed our time tremendously.

We will be sure to consider you for future design dilemmas, and will spread the word about the amazing personal environmentalist that you are.

Thanks for your contribution to humanity.  As an Architect of Change, you are helping the world to be more at peace amidst this paradigm shift of awareness we are experiencing. 

Good for you!
Jim Arsenault - Integral Life and Business Coach

Thank you, Terry, for such a great presentation. I attended one of your talks a few years ago and was inspired, then, to move around my stuff. I needed an update and once again found your presentation so informative and helpful. I’m feeling more aware and in touch with the importance of the placement of my objects.”
Kathy Ludwig

"The experience was very valuable, inspiring and provocative..." 
Home Owner

“Excellent! A presentation that anyone from left brained pragmatics to right-brained visionaries will both benefit from and enjoy.”
E. K.,Talk Attendee

Terry is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable speaker who keeps the audience engaged. There is the right balance of theory and practical application. After the presentation, I went home and did some minor clean up, then rearranged objects and the energy flowed! With my new understanding of the fundamentals, I’ve taken Terry’s ideas one step further and applied it to a presentation I’ve been asked to give on Reiki As A Spiritual Practice. Amazing what a new perspective can do.”
Cecelia Staryos, Home owner

I just wanted to thank you for your keynote presentation with us at the Portsmouth Chapter of AIBD a couple weeks ago. Your unique perspective and approach is fresh and intelligent.”
Jason Aselin, Home owner

It was a pleasure to be in attendance and I must tell you I was very impressed with your style.  I thought you had a great way of holding your audience’s attention.  You have a very easy manner and I think that leaves your audience feeling comfortable.”
Ted Sillars Custom Woodworker


“Excellent! A presentation that anyone from left brained pragmatics to right-brained visionaries will both benefit from and enjoy.”
E. K.,Talk Attendee

Terry, your talk was elucidating and fun at the same time. Really made me think about spatial design!”
Curt Sheer, Home owner

“I wanted to thank you so much for your time and effort on the workshop this weekend.  It was awesome!  I learned so much.  I truly believe in the concepts you presented and it is so important to have a team like yours working on this problem of how we relate to space and each other.” 
J. R., Medical Transcriptionist