An Illustration Project

I thought I would share a recent illustration project I completed for the Fore River Company (a real estate developer in Portland, Maine). They wanted an illustration example of how the facade of the current building could be improved upon.

The Existing Structure

Projects like this (whether residential or business) often start with images of the existing structure.

Portland’s first and only full department store for J. R. Libby Co. (ca. 1912 horse and buggy days) was just one of the precursors to today’s existing office and retail building - sadly, a poorly modernized version of what it used to be.

Initial Sketches

My collaboration with Fore River Company led me to create several elevation design studies that slowly evolved into 3D CAD (Computer Assisted Design) illustrations.

The Final Illustration

After several on-line review meetings we arrived at a final 3D pencil illustration. This new design retains a modern feel while giving a nod to the beauty of the early 1912 building.

I love doing commercial and residential illustration projects. The ink and colored pencil drawings populated with appropriately scaled people, trees, and vehicles provides the opportunity for clients to really see their envisioned ideas come to life.

Feel free to explore more of my illustration work on my website:


Journey To Architecture


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