Free Consultation _in exchange for_ Your Hosting a ‘Group Consultation/Workshop’

“You will not be disappointed with your home consult with Terry. He has been such a hit here among participants and has helped me understand placement principles that continue to contribute to more harmonious and enjoyable living. Some folks who attended a four-hour demo here actually stayed an extra two hours because they were so engaged. Some also invited him to consult on their homes as well. I’m hoping to have him return again after the beginning of the year.”  Mariah Williams, Home Owner & Massage, Feldenkrais Therapist

General Guidelines and Procedures:

1) I provide you a 6-hour SpaceBehavior Consultation for your home.

Prior to this consultation, you will have identified as many potential attendees who you think would be interested in your hosting in your home a Group Consultation/Workshop. See details below. I will provide necessary marketing material and no-charge tele or skype chats with any interested persons.


Half-hour intro tele or on-line chat to explore your level of interest, goals and to schedule the event.

One-hour whole house walk-through interview to identify your space/behavior concerns and your personal goals,  and to fully analyze your  home for potential impact on behavior.

Identify which one room you wish to focus on during the consultation.

Photograph existing conditions of your chosen room.

A three-hour evaluation and immediate re-arrangement of all furniture and furnishings in the above chosen room, for creating a sense of well being in spaciousness, which  undergirds health, happiness and  productivity.

Photograph the room after changes have been made.

A follow-up communication to evaluate the impact of the spatial enrichment on your life.

Your submitting a testimonial for my marketing use, subject to your permission to publish your name with before and after photos of the space.


“Architecture of all the arts is the one which acts most slowly, but most surely, on the soul.” Ernest Dimnet, French priest, writer and lecturer,  author of “The Art of Thinking


 2) You host a 6-hour Group Consultation/Workshop,

which ideally should occur within one month from time of the one room 6-hour consultation described above.


Half-hour for arrival, casual gathering and informal introductions.  Prompt start of event is important.

Four-hour Group Consultation/Workshop for/in your home, including:

    a) Introduction of me by you, sharing your overall response to the previous 6-hour  consultation you received and the impact any enhancements have had in your life.

    b) ‘Consulted Room’ Visit/Talk/Discussion on changes previously made and why, including any on-the-spot group recommendations for  additional improvement

                      • One Hour Lunch Break if event is held from 10am to 4pm

    c) A Short Slide Show Presentation explaining the designtherapy strategies that when applied may radically and favorably alter one’s    experiences.

                      • One Hour Dinner Break if event is held from 2pm to 8pm

    d) Walk-Through Talk/Discussions of Additional Rooms within the home that may need a Group Consultation, sharing on-the-spot recommendations for additional improvements.

Half-hour closure and farewell. Given the past history of these very popular workshops, this half hour slot can easily expand to an hour or more, as energy and interest are typically quite high.


“Thanks very much, Terry, for the wonderful event.  It was quite experiential and felt very much like collaboration and dialogue rather than simply a presentation.  You really put your heart and soul into the event.  We enjoyed our time tremendously. We will be sure to consider you for future design dilemmas, and will spread the word about the amazing personal environmentalist that you are. Thanks for your contribution to humanity.  As an Architect of Change, you are helping the world to be more at peace amidst this paradigm shift of awareness we are experiencing.  Good for you!”  Jim Arsenault:Integral Life Business Coach

3) Additional Information:

Food: Some events have been BYO, although most attendees like (and expect) not having to worry about bringing food. If the host elects, the suggested donation can be increased to allow for cost of food, you and I deciding what percentage of total donations is for food. Hosts to date have provided food at no cost.

The focus for both your Consultation and the Group Consultation/Workshop will be the integration and application of designtherapy principles from architectural and interior design, architectural and behavioral psychology, psychoneuroimmunology and advanced common sense.

Suggested Donation: Assuming that it’s not a BYO, typically an average donation of $75 is suggested; accepting whatever people can afford and feel the event is worth. Many have paid more, some less. I typically rely on the host to contribute their knowledge of peoples’ interest and ability to pay.

The number of people depends on seating capacity of the living or family room with existing seating and other chairs that can be brought into the room. 8 to 15 people have typically attended past workshops. Excluding host and myself, 7 attendees would be the minimum.

When: A SpaceTherapy Consultation for your home could be scheduled relatively soon. With sufficient advance notice, l can do your consultation almost any day and easily on a Saturday.

The Group Consultation/Workshop would then occur at a time convenient to us both and attendees, and only after all or the majority of recommended improvements and on-site re-arrangements had been implemented. Saturdays are optimum.

Your Free or Discounted Consultation depends on the following formula:
If 10 people, beyond you and me, attend the Group Consultation/Workshop and pay an average of $75/person, your 6-hour consultation is Free.

For every person less than ten people, you pay $75/person for your consultation. Example: If only five people attend you pay 10 – 5 x $75 = $375, a $120 savings to you; if only three people less than ten, 3 x $75 = $225, a $270 savings to you. This formula is negotiable!


“All I can say is, move over rules of feng shui and interior design! Terry Cline put the “rules” back into the toolbox where they belong and instead used my passion and intuition for what I want to experience in my home as his guide. Terry dramatically improved my living environment to the point where I hate to leave certain rooms. It’s no exaggeration to say I have been regenerated and renewed by the changes in my home.” Donna Brooks, Yoga & Movement Therapist


It’s a win-win-win for everyone! 

You get, either free or at a discounted rate:

• SpaceTherapy analysis of your entire home for potential impact on your behavior & performance.
• Evaluation and immediate complete re-arrangement of one room for supporting a sense of well
being in spaciousness, which undergirds health, happiness and productivity.   
• The added benefit of more design ideas revealed during the hosted Group Consultation/Workshop.

Attendees of the Group Consultation/Workshop get:

• An experiential slide show talk about ‘insider’ powerful designtherapy strategies
• Several take-away strategies to experiment with at home.
• Learning from the on-site experience of an actual spacetherapy consultation.
• The added benefit to actually watch and participate in the day’s Group Consultation.
• The joy of participating in a very rewarding, exciting and fun event.

I get:

• The honor and satisfaction of doing what I enjoy, that of helping people put to better use  their existing personal living and working environments.
• Marketing/networking opportunities required for the continuation of these services.
• Financial support for my continuing to offer free talks and these valuable services.



I look forward to talking with you soon to answer any questions and to discuss in more detail how we might organize such an event.

Kind regards,
R. Terry Cline
ME Licensed Architect &
SpaceTherapy® Consultant


“In case you want the tour of my improved office digs, here are the photos. I got help from Terry Cline at DwellRight – Consultations Onsite & Online. His approach is mind-blowing. Hard to describe but I can’t help telling people anyway. Everyone I’ve referred him to can’t believe what a big difference it makes in his or her inner experience of the space.”   Val Nelson, Home Owner, Career & Business Coach


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