Architecture As A Health Resource
There are five areas of human experience that buildings can be a health resource for. These are Physical, Psychological, Social, Spiritual and Global health.
The two twenty minute interviews will explore these five areas in greater detail, and how many of DwellRight’s space behavior design principles can be applied to existing spaces, using existing furnishings, to better support one’s personal and business goals.
Radio Interview hosted by The Eco-Logical Home, featuring Architect Terry Cline (at DwellRight).
According to Terry Cline, there are five areas of human experience that buildings can be a health resource for. These are Physical, Psychological, Social, Spiritual and Global health. He shows people how to use what they already have to create spaces to feed the soul, calling this practice SpaceTherapy. In Part 1 of the interview we explore Psychological health and set the stage for discussions on Social and Spiritual health. In Part 2 we explore Social and Spiritual health and how they all work together.