Home Professionals Directory: Colleague, Sarah Susanka’s ‘Not So Big House’ Site

‘It’s time for a different kind of house. A house that is more than square footage: a house that is Not So Big, where each room is used every day. The Not So Big House isn’t just a small house. Rather, it’s a smaller house, filled with special details and designed to accommodate the lifestyles of its occupants. The Home Professionals Directory is comprised of those who embrace the Not So Big philosophy.’

DwellRight is listed under Architects, Residential Designers, and Interior Designers, in the following states: CA, MA, ME, CT, NH, NY, RI & VT. We can provide services in your state as well. We also have a ‘Plan Analysis/Tele-Consulting Service‘ for our out of state clients.


Architecture As A Health Resource


Academy of Neuroscience for Architects